Took a little boat ride down the Mekong River down to Luang Prabang.
Luang Prabang was at one time the capital of Laos. Now the entire town has been declared a world heritage site. Now tourism is the big industry there, they are building Hotels and Guesthouses everywhere.
There are a lot of Buddhist temples in Luang Prabang. Especially nice was a temple located at the top of a hill where you could see the entire city.
There was also a spectacular waterfall nearby. They have some Asian Black Bears and a rare Indochinese Tiger at a Sanctuary near the waterfall. These were orphans rescued from poachers.

Hi Andrew:
I'm glad I didn't know what you were for this last month, I won't have been able to sleep.
Heh, what you don't know won't stress you?
Well you really wouldn't have had to worry, I only met good honest people in Laos and Cambodia. And I was traveling with some really great people.
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