September 11, 2007

Litchfield Park

Back in Darwin again. I went out to Litchfield Park. It wasn't as spectacular as Kakadu, but it was a nice relaxing day. Went swimming at some nice waterfalls.

At one of the swimming holes there were a couple of Goannas, and they weren't shy at all, walked right up to people. They're a pretty big lizard, some of them can get up to two meters long. These weren't that big though, probably about one meter long.

Saw the magnetic termite mounds, which are flat and aligned north-south so that one side gets the sun while the other is shaded. This keeps the temperature inside at a constant level.

A nice view of the plain

A natural bridge

swimming at a waterfall

more swimming

a freindly goanna

magnetic termite mound

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Andrew:
They look like little dinosaurs. Beautiful waterfall.