September 11, 2007

Litchfield Park

Back in Darwin again. I went out to Litchfield Park. It wasn't as spectacular as Kakadu, but it was a nice relaxing day. Went swimming at some nice waterfalls.

At one of the swimming holes there were a couple of Goannas, and they weren't shy at all, walked right up to people. They're a pretty big lizard, some of them can get up to two meters long. These weren't that big though, probably about one meter long.

Saw the magnetic termite mounds, which are flat and aligned north-south so that one side gets the sun while the other is shaded. This keeps the temperature inside at a constant level.

A nice view of the plain

A natural bridge

swimming at a waterfall

more swimming

a freindly goanna

magnetic termite mound

September 7, 2007

Singapore (again)

I'm back in Singapore again. I really enjoyed Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, but its good to be back in a modern country again. I even have free wireless at the hostel I'm at.

I've been spending most of my time getting my computer working again and uploading photos to this page. But I did get out to Fort Canning and took a tour of the Tiger Brewery, and spent an afternoon on the beach at Sentosa.

Yay! I'm finally caught up to now on this page!

Gate at Fort Canning

Its really more of a park than a fort now.

The Battlebox. This was the Malaya Command Headquarters in WWII until Singapore fell to the Japanese Feb. 15 1942.

Tiger Brewery

Pouring myself a drink.

Now I DRIVE the beer truck man!

Sentosa beach


The lights on the horizon are refineries. Singapore is second only to Houston in the amount of oil refined and they do all of it offshore.

Learning to play guitar

September 6, 2007

Phnom Penh

Took a boat ride down to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia.

Visited Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum which was a school the Khmer Rouge converted into a concentration camp called S-21 where they tortured 20,000 people. It was really sad to see the pictures of all the people who were brought to S-21, many were ordinary people, children, grandmothers, people from all walks of life. They have tried to keep S-21 just as it was when the Vietnamese Army arrived and ended the Khmer Rouge's reign of terror.

I also visited the Killing Fields where they now have a stupa which contains over 8000 skulls that have been excavated in from the mass graves. Monks pray day and night for the souls of the people killed there to be at rest.

You'd think the Cambodian people angry or depressed after what they've been through. But they are really happy and always laughing and having fun. Really have to respect people that have been through so much but still maintain a positive attitude.

I visited the Royal Palace, but unfortunately they don't allow you to take photos inside the palace.

Tonle Sap

Stupa at the Killing Fields

The Central Market, A really odd looking building that the French built.

The waterfront at sunset

The palace grounds.

Stupa for one the the past kings.

Mural depicting Cambodian history

Scale model of Angkor Wat

Surely these giant fish will devour Angkor Wat!!

Pre Rup

This was the royal crematorium. The Joneses crematorium wasn't quite as impressive as this one.

Ta Keo

This temple is almost like a pyramid. For unknown reasons it was never completed.

Banteay Srey

This temple was a little further north from the rest. Its relatively small, but there is a lot of detail in the carvings.

If you step on this block arrows shoot out of the wall

Preah Kahn

This temple was pretty interesting because one of the buildings had round columns which looked like Roman columns.

Ta Prohm

This was a really cool temple because of all the trees growing up in the middle of all the buildings. This is also where they filmed Tomb Raider. Unfortunately I didn't see Angelina Jolie around that day.