March 21, 2008


We just got to Adelaide on the tail end of a heat wave. It was over 40 degrees the evening we arrived. But after that it has cooled to below 30. Its a nice little city, but there isn't much to do, especially on Good Friday when all the shops were closed.

Adelaide is known for its many churches, and seeing as how its Good Friday I just wandered around taking photos of all the many churches in monuments they have here.

giant ball bearings

A church

a church that is being refaced

another church

yet another church

a statue... in front of a church

and here we have... a church!

yet another... oh wait this is actually the state parliament

this is the old parliament

a war monument

another war monument... this one has an angel on it for some reason.

A picture taken of a church from the vantage point of a war monument.

St. Peter's Cathedral

Inside the cathedral.

A fountain

the ducks are enjoying it...

a foot bridge

some people taking a cruise down the river.

playing cricket out in the mall.

I really like these statues of pigs.

coolest garbage can ever...

a clock tower.


Unknown said...

I really like Adelaide, I love the pigs!!Be careful Out There and have a Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

I love the pigs too! I'm glad you're posting photos again so I can continue my armchair travel.

Sharon and Brian