April 5, 2008


Went down to Tassie. The weather wasn't the best... it rained every day except the last day. But it was a really nice place and the beaches were beautiful even with it being overcast.

Went to Port Arthur, where the worst convicts in Australia were sent to do hard labour.

And yeah, saw some Tasmanian Devils. They fed them two Wallabies which they completely ripped apart. Tasmanian Devils eat every part of the animal, cracking bones as they rip them apart. They have the second most powerful jaws of any animal, only the salt water croc has more powerful jaws.

Maple Tree!

These trees were too big so they made cravings as a memorial the trees were planted in memory of

Columba Falls

A blowhole

Wineglass Bay

Bridge made from trees

A tree that fell down because of the storm overnight

Remarkable Cave

They finally cought me!

Turret at Port Arthur

Isle of the Dead... 1100 convicts are buried on this island

Canadian Cottage... built in Canada and transported to Port Arthur for some reason

statue of a mastiff... they were used to keep the convicts from escaping from Port Arthur and getting to the mainland.

Tasmanian Devils

Standing up

A really big Eagle


Check out the teeth

A pretty bird

Me and my pals

Tassie devil sleeping after a big feed.


Unknown said...

I love this place and the devils are neat!!

Anonymous said...

The wildlife are amazing. But I hope I never meet a Tasmanian devil when I'm out walking late at night!

Sharon and Brian M.

Anonymous said...

The wildlife are amazing. But I hope I never meet a Tasmanian devil when I'm out walking late at night!

Sharon and Brian M.

Andrew said...

the noise they make is really cool. Almost like the sound the tassie devil makes when he spins in the cartoons.