August 5, 2007


Bangkok is a crazy huge city. It just seems to go on and on and everywhere is crowded. There's so many people there it boggles the mind.

It was a really big change to go from clean and beautiful Singapore to big and dirty Bangkok. But I managed to survive it. Got drunk on Thai whiskey in a Karaoke bar and sang songs badly. Bought a tacky t-shirt on Khao San road.

People seemed pretty nice. There were scams around though. The tuk tuk drivers will offer to take you places cheap, the catch is you have to stop at half a dozen travel agencies, tailors, jewelry stores, etc, where they get a cut if you buy something. so you have to be sure you make it clear you don't want to make any stops otherwise you'll never get to where you want to be.

But I met some really nice people, and overall I had a pretty good time. Still its good to be out of the city.

Some really tall buildings

Khao San Road, the backpacker's mecca

Just some funky looking building

The parliament. No military coups today.

A tuk tuk

The Saturday market. You can get any kind of knock off stuff you want there.

Some light traffic

A little park I found near Khao San

An old fort

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