There were lots of termite mounds since termites are the only thing that can eat the spinifex grass that grows in the outback.
Went canoeing at Lawn Hill National Park. There were sheer sandstone cliffs which the river flowed between.
We went to Hell's gate where way back they used to drop off prisoners and tell them to walk the rest of the way to the prison in Catherine. But the area around Hell's Gate was inhabited by a tribe of cannibals so the prisoners would never make it to Catherine. So if you passed through Hell's Gate you were never coming back.
We visited Carabirini which had some really cool rock formations. The Aborigines called it a lost city because the rocks look like the ruins of ancient buildings.
Stayed at the Heartbreak Hotel, which is the most remote pub in all of Australia. The nearest town is over three hours drive away. And that town only has a population of 50 people. The next nearest town is over seven hours away. It was called the Heartbreak Hotel because when they were building it, everyone told the owner that it was going to result in heartbreak. And the name kinda stuck.
It was a really fun trip, now I can say that I've seen the real Australia.
Hi Andrew:
Wow what a trip, be careful of those snakes! Are they native snakes? Now thats a Crocodile. Be Careful out there.
Yeah, Actually the 11 most deadliest snakes in the world live in Australia. But not many people are actually killed because the hospitals and flying doctors know how to handle snake bites. Even if you were bitten by an Inland Taipan if you got a compression bandage on it you'd still have at least 8 hours to get to a hospital. And even out in the most remote outback they have flying doctors which will fly out and pick you up and take you to the nearest hospital.
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