I did some scuba diving in Exmouth. The conditions weren't very good, the tide was blowing us back and forth several meters. The second dive was on a site called Blizzard Reef. After seeing all the sand that was flying around I can see why it got that name. I did get to see a Lion fish which was nice.
The best part about that dive was actually the boat ride back. We saw some Humpback whales out splashing around just off the coast. We got up really close. The crew of the boat told us to make a lot of noise when they came up for air. When we made some noise they'd poke their head out of the water to see what the noise was.
In Coral Bay I went on a snorkeling trip to go swimming with the Manta Rays, but we didn't see any Manta Rays on the trip. The company didn't offer any kind of refunds which I thought they should since it was called the "Manta Tour" on all their signs.
Next stop Was Monkey Mia which is right in the middle of Shark Bay. We didn't see any sharks, but thats ok because we got to see some Dolphins up close. Back in the 60s people used to feed the Dolphins there and the Dolphins have passed it down from one generation to the next that there was an easy meal if they swam up to the beach. Now they are trying to wean the dolphins from being fed by humans, but the Dolphins still get a little food each day and that keeps them coming back to the beach.
We visited the Pinnacles desert where there are all these cool stone pillars around.
Now I'm finally in Perth. It really is a nice city so I think I'll stay here a while.